Want To Feel More Grateful For Your Life?

Zoom out and look at the bigger picture, and you’ll be amazed by the power of a decade

Allison Burney
4 min readJan 2, 2020
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

It’s the evening of January 1st, 2020.

The Christmas tree lights are casting colourful shadows on the wall beside me, and the strand of multi-coloured lights we’ve draped across our wall unit are glowing brightly in the darkness. The only light is a dim yellow, coming from the lamp in the corner of our living room.

I just poured myself a Winter spice beer and sat down on the couch to spend some time reflecting, relaxing, and gathering my thoughts.

It’s also a time to celebrate! A new year has officially arrived — and with it, a new decade has begun.

It’s hard to believe that I’m starting my 30s decade this year. I always thought turning 30 would feel like a big deal, but it surprised me. I celebrated my champagne birthday with my family in style, but apart from that, it passed rather unceremoniously.

Sitting here tonight, though, I feel content. In the words of Goldilocks, everything feels just right.

My partner and I are happy with where we are in our lives, and it feels so good.



Allison Burney

Writer, ghostwriter & proofreader. On a mission to keep exploring, learning & enjoying this adventure we call life. Work with me: allisonburney.com