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The Way Forward Is Simple: Choose Something, and Then Commit
Sage advice from meditation teacher Jeff Warren
I’ve been enjoying Tamara Levitt’s guided 10-minute meditations over the last couple of years, but this morning I wanted to try something a little different.
Right next to the Daily Calm in my Calm app was the Daily Trip, with author and meditation teacher Jeff Warren.
I’ve heard about Jeff for years, but until this morning, I’d never tried one of his guided meditations. Today’s episode was called “A Conscious Choice.” That sounded good enough for me. I clicked on it, settling into my seat.
A couple of minutes in, he dropped the first bomb of wisdom.
Choose something, and then commit.
To be fair, he was talking about finding your focus for the session, but for me, it had a much deeper meaning.
In order to help get the listener grounded, he offered a couple of options for where to place your attention.
One option was to zoom in on a single aspect of your experience (a sound, feeling, sensation, etc.) and to use that as your home base, coming back to it whenever your attention shifted and you got distracted. Another, equally valid option, was to approach the session wide open, with no…